Sunday, October 28, 2007
Hot chocolate

The Boy Who Couldn’t Sit By The Fire
Charlie Chox was a well cared for little boy from Bourneville. His family lived in a small terraced house on Shadbury Street, opposite the chocolate factory where his father worked. Charlie worshiped the ‘brown god’ (as he called it): wrappers of every different kind of bar made by Shadbury’s in the last twenty years were proudly displayed in frames on his bedroom wall. Every night at eight o’clock, Charlie’s dad would return from his evening shift on the production line. The rotund youngster would squeal with delight as daddy presented him with more and yet more Shadbury products. How he loved chocolate! Night after night, he ate and ate and ate. Perhaps his mum should have noticed the changes that were happening, but mums are busy people!
Gradually at first, Charlie’s face was becoming a milky brown colour. Little bumps started to protrude from his cheeks. Over a period of days, the colour began to spread to his arms, then his legs, and then his whole body! These were were really uncomfortable bumps, which had started to resemble raisins and hazelnuts. How bizzare!
Then, one terrible morning, little Charlie got the shock of his life: he pulled back the covers of his bed and stared in utter confused bewilderment. A jolt of panic shocked right through him; he couldn’t believe his brown eyes…
...he had started to split into little squares!
Frantically, he bur

...NOT to be continued!